Sunday, July 13, 2008

mittnz and Jarrett

Jarrett my dear sweet son number 3 stole 20 bux from me and we had an arguement. I told him he cannot live in our house if he steals. This is not the first time he has stolen - he has stolen out of Yassir's wallet, from Justins back pack and from my purse and my mothers house - her bottles that her b/f had bought her and cash. What decent man steals from his grandmother - I mean hello. How aweful. well he decided to go and live at his g/f - He is 18 next month - many have moved out at this age. and survived. I want to go and get him but in my heart I know I would not be doing him any favours to poopoo this incedent now that I called him on it. and he needs to grow up. but holy hanna it is hard. I am more hurt and upset now than mad. but he has to know - there is a line - do not steal, sorry - you cannot sleep with you g/f in my house when you are a minor and do not have a job and steal and act badly. You have to be responsible to get that privledge and you have to be old enough.

I am 4/5th the way through 2 pairs of the mystery mitten KAL. THey are little snowmen on the back - very cute. I will hopefully finish them tonight. I started some 2 colour mittens but they re a challenge. I am not enjoying them but they will be warm. Who ever gets them will not appreciate the work. carrying 2 colours on 36 stitches on DP isnot easy - not as easy as a sweater. that is for sure.

Hopefully i can find a camera and post pics .

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