Friday, November 20, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

well long time no write

Jarrett my blessed youngest child is in Vancouver doing the welding component of his mechanics course through BCIT here in Kelowna. Quite the turn around. The course has been a God send. I have not been knitting for a while. It is 25+C and I have been very busy.

Starting a new job, making a life skills program for special needs teens. Hard let me tell you. New - don't know budget - don't know kids - don't know parents on and on

it will all work out

Monday, January 5, 2009

I miss my Granddaughter

I wish I knew what to do. I miss her so much. I want to phone but I do not want to be a pest or start or stir

Peyote beading - even weave

I want to relearn beading so I am putting the good links I find here
Here is the first...

Peyote Beading - even weave