Tuesday, May 13, 2008


-Okay -
So I have joined the SUMMER OF SOCKS 2008

Click on the Summer of Socks button to find the link

and as Zarzuela the blogger with the knitalong says

"The along starts on June 21st and ends on September 1st. During the course of the two month along, you can knit as many or as few socks as you like. No pattern requirements, no yarn requirements, do as much or as little as you want! The whole point is to have fun and relax while knitting along with others."

sounds like fun AND there might be prizes!! :) YAY Zarzuela

wow it has been a long time

Well dear sweet GD have her 3rd birthday and Yassir is settling into his job nicely - carving amazing things (now that his work has discover they have a resident artist)

I am going to join the Summer of socks so I had to remember my blog address _ and here it is
Nana loves you my beautiful grandaughter XOXOXO